Past President Darrell Smith was called on to present Peter Malone with his Past President Pin, a Paul Harris and Bequest Society Pledge.
WuAn (good afternoon) and Huan Ying (welcome) in mandarin, the most commonly spoken language in Singapore. Karen was thankful for the opportunity and support of the Rotary Club to attend the Rotary International Convention, this year held in Singapore in late May. A wonderful, colourful convention. Karen has travelled to many parts of the world through Rotary as you will see from the photo of her jacket, literally heavy with Rotary pins collected over the years. As of July 1st, it is Karen's distinct honour to take the podium as the 105th president of the Rotary Club of Belleville. This is her second tenure as President, the first being in 2003-2004. Karen went on to introduce the new Board of Directors -- Past President Peter Malone, President-Elect Tracey Vandervoort, Vice-President Hazzem Koudsi, Treasurer Rose Ouellette, Director Tracy Bray, Director Heather Hall, Director Andrew Kole, Director Dr. Ruth Mathieson, Director Collin Myers, Director Carmela Ruberto, Director Brenda Snider. Karen thanked those leaving the Board as well, Past President Darrell Smith, Secretary Jo-Anne Wheeler, Directors Samantha Reid, Terry Thomas and Anya Dean Best. Karen also highlighted Paul Ferguson, who has taken on the primary communications role. Watch for his Rotary-related emails from the "Ferg"! Coreen Reynolds is the new general manager of the Belleville Club and makes sure everything is ready for the Club's monthly Board Meetings as well as other events such as Trivia Nights, Rotary Winter Games, etc. Ryan Hilmi and the staff at Capers, prepare lunch meals and serve food at the evening meetings. Their hospitality is greatly appreciated.
There have been some changes under the Refresh Rotary project with more to come in the Fall. And just around the corner is the single, largest fundraiser of the Rotary Year....Rotary Loves Kids Golf Tournament and Party in the Square. The committee expects to net over $100,000 this year. The first RLK tournament was held in August 2003, 21 years ago and that speaks volumes about the longevity and success of this fundraiser, due to much hard work and commitment by many. If you don't golf, be sure to attend the party and bring along friends, family, neighbours, co-workers. The more money we raise, the more we can do in the community and beyond. The Club will continue to raise funds through Diners and Duffers, Belleville Senators 50/50 ticket sales, bottle drives, Clowns for Kids, Waterfront Festival Parking, Rotary Winter Games and new in 2024-2025 will be the sale of branded Club merchandise and perhaps a new initiative. Rotarian Kim McKinney is looking at re-starting the Youth Exchange program for the Fall of 2025. There is a lot of planning involved and if you are interested in planning and/or hosting, please let him know. Past President Peter Malone is organizing attendance at the 2025 International Convention in Calgary from 21 - 25 June. If you are planning to attend, please let Peter know so we can plan some events out west and lend our support to President-Elect Tracey Vandervoort. Attending is an opportunity to appreciate the value of Rotary and what it truly means to be a Rotarian when you are mingling with 15,000+ members from around the world.
As we go into this Rotary Year, Karen asks that each and every one of us, as Rotarians spread "The Magic of Rotary" at events we attend and in the programs we operate. Be a Rotarian by action and not just association. The best memories of Rotary and of being a Rotarian will be of the things you did to make a difference in the world and the friendships you made.
President Karen's challenge to everyone:
- attend a meeting in person when you can
- attend the evening meeting if you only attend the lunch meeting and vice versa
- invite a member who has not been attending to join you for an in-person meeting
- do a makeup at another club
- work on a committee you have not worked on before
- sit at a table with new members and welcome them to the Club
- mentor a new Club member
- introduce or thank a speaker
- suggest a speaker/program idea
- bring a prospective member to a meeting
Rotary International President Urchick says we are not going to bring peace to the world, end polio or grow membership by waving a wand and saying some funny words. It's up to each one of us. To create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated and every new member inducted. With Rotary, as in life, little importance gets done alone. He is proud to have helped, but also proud to have help. Karen is looking forward to a great Rotary year as we spread the Magic of Rotary in 2024-2025. Past President Peter Malone thanked Karen for her commitment to Rotary and the number of committees she has served on over the years and now her 2nd presidential term. The Board has been entrusted by the Club to shape the future with confidence and go forward.