Treasurer Karen Baker presented a power point of the 2021-2022 audited financial statements prepared by Welch LLP for the year ended June 30, 2022.  In short, the report presented no issues on the audited information of the Rotary Club of Belleville Incorporated -- General and Service Accounts.  Karen provided information on actual expenditures that were over/under budget and supporting rationale.  Overall, the Club had a good year as far as the "nuts and bolts" of what we do.  Karen made a motion to accept the audited financial statements as presented and Adrian Hilmi seconded the motion with all in favour.  A second motion was made by Karen to approve Welch LLP as auditors for the 2022-2023 Rotary Year, seconded by Paul Fleming and carried. 
Five (5) enacted statements with comments from the Rotary International Council of Legislation April 2022 were presented by Karen Baker to the Club and these will be kept with the business documents of the AGM.  Karen made a motion to approve the amendments to the Constitution of the Rotary Club of Belleville and David Allen seconded the motion with all in favour.
The Board of Directors for the 2023-2024 Rotary Year were introduced -- Past President Darrell Smith, President Peter Malone, President-Elect Karen Baker, Treasurer Rose Ouellette, Secretary Jo-Anne Wheeler, Director Anya Deane Best, Director Heather Hall, Director Terry Thomas, Director Tracey Vandervoort, Director Collin Myers, Director Samantha Reid, Director Brenda Snider, Director Hazzem Koudsi.
President Darrell Smith shared a review of the 2021 - 2022 Rotary Year.  Darrell first thanked his predecessors Doug Peterson and Tim McKinney for their calm, cool and effective leadership during the most trying of times, providing him with a very strong backdrop to undertake his year as President.  Darrell had the opportunity to see how the club responded and interacted on Zoom and the importance of keeping the meetings concise, interesting and relevant to the membership.  The last two plus years has taught us a Rotarians to be flexible and willing to adapt to change.  The Club successfully transitioned to a virtual model, now a hybrid structure and has finally reached a place where there is a degree of comfort about the opportunity to meet again on a regular basis in face to face settings and at the same time facilitating remote access that allows those who cannot join us personally, to attend via virtual setting.
The Rotary Club of Belleville has continued to operate and flourish and continued to help both our local and global communities through volunteer efforts and financial resources which to name just a few, saw us provide support to the building of the Hospice Quinte site, provide tremendous financial support to the people of Ukraine displaced and challenged by the war in their country, provide meals for both our local and indigenous communities, provide an outlet for the arts through the virtual Rotary Music Festival, planting 3,500 plus trees within Belleville to create a greener future.  Being President of the Rotary Club afforded Darrell the opportunity to gain a greater appreciation of the impact of our Club, but also the impact of Rotary as an organization in the world.
Darrell thanked many of the Rotarians who have contributed their expertise and time on a regular basis as well as the Board of Directors for their engagement and support, going beyond the realm of service above self, for their leadership, passion and friendship.  Darrell thanked all Rotarians for what they do to make our community, country and world a better place.  We have achieved much as a club during our 102 year history and Darrell believes the best is yet to come.